Although I'm not a teacher volunteer, I happened to get opportunities to teach environmental issues at two high schools here, Weno Island, Chuuk state, FSM. Recently, I've found it so difficult to manage the classes without assistants. The difficulties I have right now might be common problems for all Japanese volunteers. For, these were made up on the basis for our culture and public education through our entire lives.
So, I'd like to demonstrate 3 major problems we have in teaching overseas, which will make you understand how unique is the way Japanese volunteers have lived in.
Recent works
Recently, I had worked with J-PRISM
specialists for improving the existing dumpsite. This dumpsite is supposed to
be expired within 3 years although EPA hasn’t identified the location of the
next waste disposal site. Therefore, we need to maintain the current one and
start the procedure for building the new one at the same time.
Regarding to the one which people are
utilizing now, while operators of the site have already got accustomed to how
to arrange piles of garbage, there were a few concerns these days. First, there
was a pond or rather wet area at the center of the site. However, the
specialists put some pipes underneath the waste from the wet part to a leachate
pond. Thanks to this treatment, the water will be drained away adequately to
the pond even after rainy days. Second, they seemed worried about whether the
operators can maintain the dumpsite by themselves, but it turned out to be no
problem finally. Additionally, since the boss of them is a kind of hard worker,
the experts seemingly don’t need to take heed of it so much.
The process of building the new dumpsite
needs to be observed even after the meeting yesterday for sharing information
of the coming one and making an action plan. First of all, we have to finalize
the place of the new dumpsite. This should be finished as soon as possible
because the existing one is about to be close to its limit of capacity. In case
of that there occurs a time lag between the closure of the current site and
opening of the new one, residents on this island can hardly dispose their
garbage. In addition to the timing of opening the new site, the dumpsite itself
may be a problem in a view of environment assessment. That is to say, the
stakeholders have to choose the most adequate place to dispose the waste from
all the people of this island. For instance, if the place is in swamp area,
disposed wastes aren’t decomposed smoothly, and might be a worse place than the
present condition.
July 27, 2014
It has been four months since I arrived in
the Federated States of Micronesia.
Besides, it took quite a long time from the
previous post.
How weak am I ?
May 3, 2014
I did.
I got sick
the other day.
It has been only a month since I arrived here.
Apr 10, 2014
10, 2014
Pacific countries faces various environmental problems
in recent years. The most prominent thing is negative effect of global warming.
That means encroachment on land by rising of sea water. I won’t disagree with
this opinion. However, such encroachment is proceeding in other aspect. That is
garbage problem.
Apr 7, 2014
Apr 7, 2014
I had the first Chuukese lessen today with a SV.
This lesson contained uttering lessen of vowels that are called “Osowa” in
Chuukese. I was so shocked by that the instructor intended to keep making us
continue saying the same part for 3 hours. So, I switched the lesson to just
talk. Then I could catch some interesting information about attractive sights
on Weno.
投稿 (Atom)
Although I'm not a teacher volunteer, I happened to get opportunities to teach environmental issues at two high schools here, Weno Islan...
ご無沙汰しています! 11月から1月にかけて新しい試みを行ったりボランティア総会の準備をしたりでそれなりに忙しくも充実した時間を過ごしていました。 まぁ、ブログを更新していなかったのは単純に 書く気が起きなかった からなんですけどね。 さてさて、だいぶ遅くなってしまい...
協力隊に辛うじて合格し、派遣先であるミクロネシア連邦に来て早くも 5 か月が経ちました。 5 か月もあれば、自分が協力隊というものに向いているかどうかを判断するには充分な時間でしょう。 (というか、2年というリミットを踏まえてしまうと、そうしたことを考えることは避け...
『クロスロード』と聞いて青年海外協力隊員が頭に浮かべるのは来月封切りとなるEXILEの人主演の映画ではなくてJICAボランティア向けの月刊誌でしょう。 ここミクロネシアでは輸送コストやシステムの都合で4か月ごとくらいにまとまった量を受け取るのが定番ですが、最新号はたまたま出...
前回は学生が青年海外協力隊に参加するために何を準備するべきかについて説明しました。 今回は少々ニッチなのですが、協力隊選考の合格に 2 つのパターンがあることについて説明しようと思います。 とはいえ、大半の人には特に条件が付くことはありませんけどね。